This is gonna be a very important post and it is meant for you single parents out there without a family to lean on, and no way of giving guardianship of your kid/kids to your family if you pass away while your child/children are underage!.
So mrlifeadvise has come up with a solution for single parents can try to avoid their children ending up in the system as we all know is horribly broken by to much demand.
So usually if you dont smoke, you can get a 500.000 dollars life insurance policy for under 40 dollars a month.
If you are more of a risk it might double, but you still need to have that.
Leaving a life insurance policy to your kids is a huge advantage for them in their future life if you have an untimely passing.
So this is the ground rule that you have the life insurance policy in place.
And everybody can afford the policy it is just about cutting out alcohol,tobacco and fast food, and the amounts will start to add up in saving for you, regardless if you have a normal salary or if you are working for minimum wage.
So about single parents teaming up to help each other, but to also play the roll of guardians in case something god forbid happens to you, so your kid/kids gets left behind without any parents or relatives what so ever!.
So today with social media and facebook you should start in your area a closed group of single parents lacking family in the area or family ties what so ever.
Usually the right play here is to keep the group to between 10-15 single parents .
If you widen the group to much it does not get as personal as this stuff needs to get, to make it work.
In smaller areas 5-8 parents in a group is okay also.
The thing you need to understand here is that this group is not for dating , this group is for trying to help each other out on a weekly basis, with the so called parenthood!.
So a few ground rules for a parent group like this is as follows:
Nr1: It does not matter if you are a republican or a democrat or an independent, this has no baring what so ever in this group.
Nr2: Religion and race is more sensitive, because you need to at least have the same core values, so here every group has to set its own terms.
Nr3: This is not a group that you should look up or look down on people, based on salary or job title.
You should also generally in your life judge people based on how they treat you and others around them rather than how much they earn or what they do for a living.
Nr4: Try and have one meet up every week, and we recommend from mrlifeadvise that you schedule it for SUNDAY!.
Here you can have a weekly meet up in the park for instance.
Try to make it from like 12.00 a clock to 17.00 a clock so you get a full 5 h in, with each other, on a weekly basis.
It is important for the parents to meet up , but also for the children to get to know each other.
Because the plan here is to have close nit group within a years time.
Nr5: Within this single parents group everybody needs to really tone down their own personally, and make friends with all other members of the group.
Remember one of these parents is suppose to be a possible guardian for your child/children in case something happens to you, while they are under aged.
Nr6: Within this parents group the idea is also to be able to help each other out with simpler chores to save money.
I scratch your back and you scratch my back, this is the idea also.
So every parent can do something and every parent is good at something.
So help each other out, as much as you can.
The golden rule here is that this is a thin line that you are balancing on, so dont use anybody, if you ask for a favor, do one in return A.S.A.P.
Nr7: Try and make this group work, so if there becomes issues, which it almost always does within the group, have one person who is voted by the members as the mediator, somebody with some authority and some experience is problem solving from the military or the business world.
Somebody who is used to lead soldiers or team members.
A few final thoughts on a group like this, based on our experience within the few groups that we have put together over the years, the golden rule is that this group is a support group and it is intended for your own peace of mind to know that if something happens to you god forbid, while your kid/kids are under aged, that somebody will be there for them so they dont end up in the broken system that the foster care and group homes are these days.
Dont get us wrong, there are fantastic people running foster care and group homes, but they are 1/10.
And in 6/10 they dont care, they just do it for the money, and in 3/10 they are just horrible places for children to be at, with unstable foster parents, or borderline unsafe and unhealthy group homes.!.
Also you need to understand that ones your kids turn 18 ,they age out from the system, and basically they will be on the street the same day.
All alone without family and nobody to call or go home to, and this is a horrible situation.
Then there are a few other things that you can do as a single parent in your neighborhood, and that is to befriend lonely elderly people who have nothing but time on their hands.
And a lot of them have raised children themselves and the have a lot to learn to a child, and a lot of them would jump at the opportunity to have more meaningful days.
Being a lonely elderly person with limited social security checks is not such an eventfull life to live.
So dont be afraid to befriend people in your neighborhood,and as every single parent has to use your gut when in comes to people.
It is quite easy to befriend elderly people , ask them if they want to come over for a cup of coffee for instance to begin with and then take it from there.
So here you single parents have a great idea to secure the future for your kids , if the worst case scenario happens.
But these groups are also a great support system for helping each other out with something that is very difficult like parenthood is, and particularly single parenting.
Thank you for reading.