So as we have mention in the past, we will start to see a big decline in the real estate prices in the US during this years 2020.
And now after all these horrible protest people are starting to realize why Texas and other states are better at protecting their citizens compered to California and NYC.
This is also one of the reasons that Joe Rogan the comedian,pod-caster and UFC commentator is considering moving to Austin from the Hidden hills.
So we can see clearly that the houses with a price point from 2.5-5 million dollars will drop a ball park 25% this year in value in LA.

So how should you think when you are looking at buying a house in Los Angeles in 2020 as a first time home buyer.
If your job and your family is there, and you need to live there and you want to buy a house, then you should look at buying in the VALLEY, so the Fernando valley(yes we know it is a bit warmer than the 90210 zip code) but the prices are 1/3 compared to the 90210 zip code(Beverly Hills).
So the Toll brothers builds really nice turn key houses for 1.4-1.9 million dollars in the Valley area.
So if we would buy a house today in Los Angeles we would buy from the Toll brothers a turn key home in the VALLEY.
If you look at the Hollywood hills for instance and you drive up from the Sunset boulevard there is no security in the world that can stop an intruder when you have so many hiking trails and mountains.
If you have ever seen the movie Heat with Al Pacino and Robert Deniro and Val Kilmer among many other really good actors.
In that movie there is a hit on the banker the owner of the bearer bonds that where jacked in the robbery, and the hitter comes from the slope mountain side into the glass based living room.
So what would happen if 20 cars start to drive up into the Hills and robbing people blind.
And there is no police near you to call (defund the police).
So this is why the VALLEY is a better option it is a bit to drive from Down town Los Angeles.
So when you on the hunt for a a first family home in the LA area, we would recommend the Valley to anyone.
The one thing you always have to remember in a expensive market like the California real estate market it, make sure you do not end up house poor!.
House poor means that you have no money for anything-else than food and your house.
So never ever overspend on your first house purchase.
Because when you are on the younger side you want to do things, and thing usually cost money unless you love going hiking.
So good house hunting!.