Dear clients and readers thank you for a very productive year 2019 , we have been amazed and also very delighted that our clients have taken our advise to hearth this year.
We have mainly focused on offline clients this year 2019 and during the next year 2020 we will invest a lot of time into our online profile.
We will bring in a new product called management consulting , which is intended for managers of smaller and medium sized business who employee from 10 to 100 people.
Often the management is under a lot of stress from owners/share holders to deliver results, but on the other hand they also need to keep the workers happy.
Because when you are a smaller or a medium-sized company, every worker that quits is an issue and a problem for your business, compared to larger companies like Amazon and similar who has so many workers within the company.
So for you managers out there that is looking for affordable business and personal consulting for you to do a better job and also get a much needed second opinion from a company that will not judge you, but we just try to elevate your game as a manager.
See you again 2020.
We have donated money to 3 different animal rights organisations instead of sending Christmas cards and small gifts.
This year we have donated 8000 Usd to these causes.
Thank you for being a client and a reder to mrlifeadvise.